
大部分的, 如果不是全部, 我们都参与过逆向物流无论是在消费者方面还是在物流方面. The constant evolution of technology mixed with increase demand in today’s e-commerce market has made it near impossible for retail companies not to adopt some type of reverse logistics procedure. 减少浪费和成本只是逆向物流的好处的开始.


The easiest way to explain reverse logistics is the process and all the steps taken when you return an item purchased. 当消费者收到商品时,他们已经意识到, 不管是什么原因, 他们需要退货,然后通知托运人和/或制造商需要退货. 通常情况下,接收产品退回的一方会简化流程, 因此,顾客所需要做的只是一些简单的任务,比如把一根棍子放在盒子上, 打电话, 或者发送电子邮件.

To the consumer this is easy enough and takes little to no time at all while their return will trigger a cascade of steps that are all interconnected and fine tuned to deliver the product back to the manufacturer. Reverse logistics systems have taken decades to get to where they are today with innovation and technology playing no small part. 如今,几乎所有的流程都是自动化的,几乎不需要人为干预, 如果只有反复检查和备用的质量保证.

逆向物流最早出现在19世纪后期, 信不信由你, 正如你所猜到的,它远没有那么复杂,但前提是一样的.

“In 1872, a furniture retail company named Montgomery Ward incorporated retail returns in its customer service policy. 该政策规定,如果十大彩票平台对产品不是100%满意, 他们可以拿回来全额退款.” - 逆向物流的历史、演变与未来

在互联网和逆向物流发展之前, the process to return items was undoubtedly clunky and full of pitfalls that were hard to find quick solutions for. 从缓慢的沟通和缓慢的过程, it used to be more of a hassle to return items so consumers and if they were unable to make the drive to the store some would either dump them or try to sell them in a local garage sale. 21世纪后,一切都会改变.

With the advent of ecommerce reverse logistics exploded and become more readily available to manufacturers and consumers alike. More businesses began incorporating reverse logistics into their operations as online software expanded and became relatively more affordable. As time progressed consumers became more demanding and instant gratification became the standard expectation. 多亏了像亚马逊这样的大全球十大网赌正规平台, 它们能够通过应用程序中的一个函数轻松处理数百万个返回.


Businesses over the years have spent time and money perfecting their reverse logistics for multiple reasons. 一个更明显的原因是与竞争对手和现代保持同步. 随着大全球十大网赌正规平台能够在智能项目上投入更多资金,以缓解逆向物流, 较小的全球十大网赌正规平台和初创企业也必须跟上. 没有适当的系统,零售业务不太可能持续太久. 从使用第三方物流到程序,如 Shopify 处理他们的退货以及随之而来的一切, 大大小小的全球十大网赌正规平台发现这些类型的资源减轻了他们逆向物流的预算. 当你想到如何制定逆向物流战略时,以下内容 以下是需要记住的几个关键事项:

  • 您如何提供简单的退货流程并承诺更快的处理?
  • 您需要什么样的流程和空间来保证高效的接收, 处理和处置管理?
  • 如何加快“退货”处理速度,提高滞销品的回收价值?

处理海运, managing inventory and overseeing quality control are all functions that require more time and money in order to operate efficiently. 退货是伴随着退款的. This is where companies take a loss since they will typically cover the costs of shipping the returned item being sent back, 最重要的是退还那件商品的钱. 对于较大的物品,如电器甚至材料, 只有部分退款是为了保护企业. 这些情况通常是在购买前讨论和商定的.

尽管全球十大网赌正规平台会蒙受损失, 有些人可以以折扣价转售他们退回的产品, 弥补一些损失. This has become a business in of itself for organizations and depending on how they run their reverse logistics, 这是有利可图的.

另一个好处是改善十大彩票平台关系. 对于消费者来说,退货过程越简单, 他们就越有可能成为回头客并保持良好的声誉. 这反过来又可以帮助全球十大网赌正规平台成长,并灌输它的可靠性.


上面简单提到过, companies can save themselves headaches and money by partnering with a third party logistics company and letting them handle all that comes with reverse logistics. It can help more so by freeing up time for the company to work on improving products and internal processes when they are not being bogged down by logistical nightmares that returns can turn into.

虽然外包需要时间和金钱, 确保他们与合适的全球十大网赌正规平台合作, 建立产品的知识和零售全球十大网赌正规平台如何内部运作等..在大多数情况下,第三方物流的长期回报在财政上更有意义.

There are risk factors in making the decision of outsourcing your reverse logistics and depending on the line of business a company is and what stage it is in, 它甚至可能不是一个选择. 所以,研究和花时间考虑所有的选择是必须的.

An example of a company outsourcing a function of their 3PL that some may be more familiar with is Amazon’s use of Kohl’s brick and mortar stores. This move may not have been so much to mitigate issues within their own reverse logistics strategy but rather offer a more versatile way for customers to send back their returns. 这不仅使顾客和亚马逊更容易退货, 这给了科尔斯一个机会 增加他们的销售额 让顾客走进他们的商店.

这些类型的决定是在小全球十大网赌正规平台内部做出的,但是可以成就或破坏业务. 逆向物流项目的战略规划是需要持续努力的. This is doubly important as according to most insiders; e-commerce is the future and brick and mortar stores will slowly decrease as technology advances.  


Hiring on a 3PL to handle your reverse logistics is a critical decision during growth of your company but you would be joining over 40% of retailers that use one. 虽然这不是一个全面的清单, 这里有一些 与某人合作的好处:

  1. “方便的设施 -拥有策略性的地点网络, 第三方物流可以提供方便, 处理退货的集中枢纽. 拥有接近最终十大彩票平台的设施, 他们可以更快地处理退货,并将可销售的产品重新纳入库存.
  2. 可伸缩的资源 -回报率经常增加或飙升. 第三方提供商拥有灵活的空间和人员规模,可以处理退货量的波动.
  3. 强大的技术 -拥有先进的订单管理系统, 第三方物流可以更有效、更经济地管理退货并将产品重新纳入库存.
  4. 包裹管理 -随着免费退货需求的增长,控制十大彩票平台费用尤为重要. 第三方物流与包裹和货运供应商协商的费率可以帮助最大限度地减少退货十大彩票平台成本.
  5. 质量控制 – An experienced provider can carefully inspect incoming products and determine if they should be put back in inventory. 如果有必要,他们也可以翻新或重新包装物品.”

野云雀全球十大网赌正规平台 has been in the business for 40 years and taken strides in providing our customers with advanced transportation 3PL services. 我们的工作是确保退货货物及时到达需要的地方, 高效的方式,同时为十大彩票平台提供优质的服务和尖端的技术.

如果你发现你的全球十大网赌正规平台在一个十字路口与你目前的第三方物流或想要了解更多, 花一分钟时间 了解我们 以及我们如何解决您的逆向物流.



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